Baird's Tapir

Saving this important species

A nature preserve for tapirs

We have a healthy population of tapirs here at Tapir Valley, but keep in mind that this a nature preserve and not a zoo. While we see tapirs regularly during our night tours, there's no guarantee, of course, because these are wild creatures.

Bringing back the tapir

Due to decades of habitat destruction, illegal logging, and poaching, the Baird's Tapir is endangered. Tapir Valley is a reserve created specifically for restoration of these amazing creatures and the numbers in this region are growing because of the work done here.

Because of the work done here at Tapir Valley, it's one of the easiest places to experience these animals.

Noctural creatures

Since they don't like heat, during the day, the tapirs spend most of their time resting in the cool primary forest that surrounds Tapir Valley or bathing in the stream.

But as the sun sets over Volcan Tenorio, the tapirs leave the forest and forage for guava that we've planted in the reserve.