Heliconias Rainforest Lodge

Pristine primary rainforest is a birding paradise

A unique birding experience

I first visited Heliconias Rainforest Lodge in 2016, and it's one of my favorite birding hotspots in the world.

The family that manages the lodge and forest have done a remarkable job of preserving this critical primary forest habitat that sits adjacent to the pristine forest of Tenorio National Park.

Heliconias is situated in the perfect spot for incredible bird diversity, as we find birds that are altitudinal migrants as well as birds that pass through the valley of Bijagua between the coast and the wetlands north near Nicaragua.

The trails of Heliconias are a fantastic place to see some of Costa Rica's most challenging birds.

The special birds of Heliconias

Yellow-eared Toucanet

These birds love steep hillsides and ravines and Heliconias is perfect for them. Since they tend to stay up in the canopy, the hanging bridges here are one of the easiest ways to see them at eye-level.

Tody Motmot

I think that Heliconias is one of the easiest places to see these rare birds in Costa Rica. During one October trip, I heard at least a dozen of them in one day while doing the entire loop trail.

Tody Motmots nest on steep hillsides, so the ravines here are perfect habitat for them.

Ocellated Antbird

This is one of my favorite birds in the world, the forest at Heliconias is the best place to find them in Costa Rica.

There's a number of healthy army ant swarms that are resident here and Ocellateds depend on these ants for 99% of their diet. They don't eat the ants, but eat the insects and spiders that are escaping the antswarm. In December 2020, we encountered the largest antswarm I've ever seen, with a dozen Ocellateds that were hunting with newly fledged young.

Crested Owl

One of the more challenging owls to see well in Costa Rica, there's a pair that has been nesting here for years and they often roost near the trail. Your local guide will know where they typically rest during the day.