Tapir Valley Nature Reserve

The jewel of Bijagua

Wetland Habitat

The lagoon and marshes of Tapir Valley are full of incredible diversity. With over 30 species and many reptiles that prefer wetland habitats, this area of Tapir Valley is a fantastic place to explore.

  • Wetland Frogs
  • Wetland Birds
  • Wetland Reptiles

Revegetation Zone

Many years ago, Tapir Valley was a cattle ranch as was much of the area around Bijagua. Once the cattle were removed from the property, work was begun on revegetating the reserve with native plants and trees.

Revegetated areas are important for species that prefer transitional habitat. In this revegetation zone, we find tapirs, manakins, puffbirds, woodpeckers, and antshrikes.

The Spectacled Owls really love this transitional zone, and they nest and hunt here.


The grasses at Tapir Valley are a wonderful area to observe animals and birds that depend on seeds and plants for their diets.

Here we find many wonderful species of flycatchers, seedeaters, and raptors that soar above the grass hunting for snakes and mammals.

Primary Rainforest

When you think about Costa Rica, you think of the jungle and the dark forest, and we have a wonderful primary forest here at Tapir Valley that joins with the untouched forest of Volcan Tenorio.

In the dark, humid forest, we find species that need this habitat. These creatures include Crested Owls, the amazing Tody Motmot, Slaty-tailed Trogons, Bare-Necked Umbrellabird, Yellow-eared Toucanet, and Ornate Hawk-Eagles that hunt the canopy of the forest.

Riparian Zone

Creeks and rivers are incredibly diverse habitats, and the creek at Tapir Valley is a fun place to explore.

American Pygmy Kingfishers and Green Kingfishers are heard along the stream year-round. We have a nesting pair of the rare Royal Flycatcher that builds a nest right above the water to protect their nestlings.

Thicket Antpittas love the wet area and we hear them every day along the creek.

The elusive Orange-billed Sparrows forage along the stream, even though they can be difficult to see. Buff-rumped Warblers are common here on the trail that runs next to the stream.

Many snakes and frogs inhabit the creek and we can see those during our night tours.